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Frequently Asked Questions About
PrimeQuest Products

I get a lot of e-mail with questions. This FAQ is designed to answer most of the more common questions that I've had about the products or my personal experience using them. If you have a new question not found in this list, please send me a note to the e-mail address at the bottom of this page. I try to answer my mail within 2 days. I always do answer my mail, so if you don't hear from me in 2-3 days please resend the note as things do crash, and I do hit that eudora trash button by accident sometimes (without knowing I did it); it's too close to the "close file" icon. Anyway, thanks for the interest.

These are the sections of this FAQ:

General FAQ

Prime 1 FAQ

ConQuest Weight Loss System FAQ

High Performance System FAQ

General FAQ's

  • What do doctors think of PrimeQuest?

    Read Dr. Walkers article, if you haven't already. Also, over 500 medical doctors have become distributors of PrimeQuest products.. They recommend the products for their patients on an ongoing basis. Once they read the extensive research available on the ingredients, and try it for themselves, they become believers.

  • Has there been testing on adaptogens?

    Yes,the testing and research has been very extensive. Consider the following:

  • How long has PrimeQuest been in business?

    About 3 years. The shakes have been out since about 11/94. Also, the owners of the company, the respected Vaughn Feather family, have owned multi-million dollar business in mail order, exercise equipment, a chain of health spas in Europe and the U.S., and the fastest growing diet industry company in U.S. history, including over $1 billion in sales. They recently sold that company to start PrimeQuest, which they believe has the greatest technological breakthrough in health ever (adaptogens).

  • Why haven't I heard of these products before if they are so good?

    You just did. You must realize this technology has just become available in the U.S. with the breakup of the Soviet Union. In addition, this company sells product only through distributors, as personal testimonials are the best way to market a truly good product. There is no national company advertising, so don't look for it on the boob tube or billboards. The owners used this marketing process in their last company, which reached $1Billion in sales. This only works with good products. Some day, we believe, adaptogens will be a household word:

  • Are the products safe?

    The products are herbal based, and are 100% safe. There are an average of ZERO deaths per year attributed to herbs. Compare that to the following:

  • Can I continue to take other supplements and vitamins while using these products? And what about muscle building supplements?

    Yes, they will not interfere with each other. If you feel that you benefit from other nutritional supplements, you can continue taking them while on the ConQuest System. As for vitamins - two servings of Prime Perfect contain 100% of all the daily requirements for vitamins and minerals. So, as long as your program includes two Prime Perfect meals, you would no longer need a multiple vitamin supplement. Also, if you are taking Prime Plus capsules, you can still take your other "muscle building" products, etc., if you wish. However, it is recommended, in that case, that you stop taking the other muscle products for a while and just take the Prime Plus and Prime 1 so you can indeed see the very positive effects you get from just these products.

  • Is everything written in Donn's weight loss story and Prime Quest Information pages really true?

    YES!! I am well aware of the penalties for fraud and deceptive advertising, and would not risk my home and family for anything. Donn's story is 100% true, I even left some stuff out just because people wouldn't believe "too many" good things. I have had these Web pages up for over 4 months, so if this was a joke I would have been run out of town or arrested by now. This FAQ page is made up from company documents, and questions answered by company representatives based on your questions to me. All of the Prime Quest Information pages, Dr. Walkers Medical Journal Article, Harry Diamond's testimonial, etc. are written verbatim from those documents. You might want to go out and buy Harvey Diamond's new book, You Can Prevent Breast Cancer, (available 4/96) and read the 9 pages he dedicated to this breakthrough product and it's prevention of cancer. Harvey is not affiliated with the company. and sold over 10 million copies of his Fit For Life book, the all time best selling health book ever. His opinion is well respected.

    Prime 1 FAQ's

  • What makes Prime 1 different from other supplements, herbs, and vitamins?

    Prime 1 is different in two specific ways. First, adaptogens are completely unique in nature. They are the only natural substances which can help the body protect itself from stress and provide benefits which are impossible to get in any other way. Secondly, Prime 1 is a complex combination of adaptogens. From the collection and transportation of the herbs, to the formulation and manufacturing of the product, the process of creating Prime 1 is unduplicatable. No other product or substance on the market possesses this technology, developed over the past 45 years by Dr. Brekhman and his team of top researchers.

  • Is Prime 1 just for use with the ConQuest Weight Loss System and High Performance System?

    NO, Prime 1 is also meant to be taken alone, and is recommended for everyone, including children. In fact, one Dentist has 300 of his patients taking Prime 1. The positive effect of the adaptogens in stress reduction, and immune system support, etc. are outstanding and should be considered by everyone. Taken as part of your daily routine, Prime 1 will give your body the extra edge it needs to battle the mental and physical stressors that constantly attack your system.

  • Should I use Prime 1 even if I am in good shape and believe I have a low stress level?

    Yes, absolutely. Everyone has stress, even small children. There is no limit to well-being, and the cumulative benefits of using Prime 1 may manifest in ways that you cannot see or feel. When your immune system is stronger, you are able to resist many potentially damaging conditions. No matter how productive or energetic you might be, you can attain a higher level of physical and mental capability on Prime 1.

    ConQuest Weight Loss System FAQ's

  • Will everyone lose weight on the ConQuest Weight Loss Programs?

    Yes, absolutely. Using any of the programs described in the program guide furnished with the starter kit, individuals can expect not only consistent but also healthy weight loss.

  • How will I know if I'm losing fat and not essential muscle tissue?

    Look in the mirror - you will look tighter and firmer where you have been losing inches. You will also see the difference in your face. Vital lean tissue is not just muscle; it is also the important connective tissue that helps us resist the pull of gravity and keeps us looking young and vibrant. If you've ever lost weight and have seen how your skin has sagged and drooped, you will particularly see the difference with the ConQuest system.

  • Can people with high blood pressure or diabetes use the ConQuest System?

    Many people with high blood pressure or diabetes will experience extremely positive results from the ConQuest System for weight loss with monitoring and supervision from their physician. It is important that these people work with their doctors, especially if they are taking medication. Usually, as their weight reduces, so will their need for medication. Click here to read the answer from a medical doctor. He says Prime Perfect is the best food supplement on the market to help his patient reduce his weight, and why.

  • If I use ConQuest for weight loss, do I have to always use the shakes, even after I have reached my target weight?

    Once you reach your weight loss target, you may want to use the shakes for "maintenance". I personally have an upper range target. If I weigh myself in the morning and exceed that target, I use one or two shakes that day. If I am planning a big weekend or night out, I might have a shake or two to replace meals before the "event". I use the shakes as my equalizer when I overdo it, or if my weight starts creeping up. This is how I control my metabolism. In addition, I use the shakes when I need a "fast meal" because I'm rushed, etc. It is great nutrition for the body, plus then I can have a "little extra" on the next meal. Obviously, I use very few shakes during maintenance compared to when I was losing the 60 pounds of extra weight. .

  • Is the ConQuest System a miracle diet?

    No, there is no such thing. If you take the shakes, then constantly overeat at regular meals, or snack on junk between shakes, it will not work. However, this is the only diet that worked for me, and I've tried a dozen of them. I guess, for me, the reasons it worked are:

  • For the ConQuest System, do you have to take the Prime 1 with the Prime Perfect shakes, or can you just take shakes? For the High Performance System, do you have to take Prime 1 with the Prime Plus Capsules, or can you just take the capsules alone?

    No, but it is highly recommended. The Prime Perfect and Prime Plus are designed to work in synergy with the Prime 1, and the best effects will be realized by taking them with the Prime 1.

  • Can I take the products if I am sensitive to dairy products?

    Yes. Unlike some other nutritional formulas, Prime Perfect is designed to mix with water, not with milk. There is only a minute trace of lactose in the product, which makes it safe for people on lactose-restricted diets.

  • Will my metabolism slow down while losing weight on the ConQuest System?

    Your muscle is your body's engine. It controls your metabolism. The more muscle you have the more you can eat. Because ConQuest works to protect and enhance your vital lean tissues, it is the key to keeping your body's metabolism "active". You will lose less lean tissue while dieting, so weight maintenance will be within your control.

  • Is the ConQuest System appropriate for children?

    Prime 1 is both safe and effective for children, who derive the same benefits from adaptogens as adults. Prime Perfect makes a healthy, nutritious alternative to "junk food". However, a child should not be put on any weight loss program without a doctor's advice and supervision.

  • Using the Prime Perfect shakes, will I have enough energy even with the reduced calories?

    You will be using your body's excess weight as your primary fuel. Because you will be dramatically improving your nutrition, you can actually expect to feel better and have more energy at the end of your weight loss program then when you started.

  • Can I take the Prime Plus capsules along with the ConQuest weight loss system?

    Yes. According to company experts, this should speed up the weight loss effect even more. If you are not exercising at all, use 1 capsule 3 times per day. If you are exercising, follow the charts in the High Performance Program Guide. You will have even more increased energy, and increased muscle buildup if you use the Prime Plus capsules along with the shakes. I personally did not use the Prime Plus, because I was unaware at the time that I could take them with the shakes. If I had to do it again, I would probably give it a try.

    High Performance System FAQ's

  • What makes the High Performance Program so different from other herbs and vitamins?

    It is unique because it is built upon two unique products that work in synergy to provide both global and specific benefits - the result is maximum performance. Prime 1 and Prime Plus both contain a complex combination of biologically active nutrients, developed exclusively for PrimeQuest by Dr. Brekhman and our team of scientists. No one else has the research, the knowledge and the genius to create such an effective breakthrough sports nutrition formula. The formulas cannot be duplicated.

  • Can I use Prime Plus capsules if I am on a weight gain program?

    Best results will be achieved by using Prime Plus in conjunction with weight training and following serving suggestions in chart B in the High Performance Guide, included in the starter kit.

  • What if I am an elite or competitive athlete?

    You may use 1-6 more capsules a day than indicated in the Program Guide Chart B.

  • Why is a "cycle" of Prime Plus recommended at 10-20 days?

    Clinical trials have demonstrated that best results are achieved by 10-20 days on Prime Plus with 15-30 day intervals in between use. 15 days represents an "average" cycle. The shorter the cycle of use on Prime Plus, the shorter the rest interval between cycles.

  • Are there any anabolic steroids in any of the products?

    NO, absolutely not. Anabolic steroids are synthetic substances which have many harmful side effects. Prime Plus is a natural food supplement which provides extra performance benefits - without the side effects.

    FOR MORE INFORMATION on PrimeQuest Products, Click on these reports:

    Click here to read many testimonials from very happy users!

    A Personal Weight Loss Story You MUST Read!

    Doctor's Medical journal report Adaptogens: Nature's Answer to Stress

    Read a few excerpts about adaptogens from Harvey Diamond's Book, "You Can Prevent Breast Cancer"

    Scientific Research Summary of Adaptogen Benefits

    FREQUENTLY Asked Questions

    Diabetic Patients' Information

    Click here for more Product Information

    Go to Prime 1 Home Page

    Go to Conquest (Prime Perfect) Weight Control Home Page

    Go to High Performance (Prime Plus) Home Page

    Click here to order!

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